Evergreen fern in winter, Jan 2018 |
The Holly Fern, Cyrtomium fortunei, which I grow in a container, is quite evergreen each year although I give it a bit of protection by placing the pot against the east facing house wall and right next to the outside drain where the warm water from the kitchen sink flows.
Other ferns die right back and I get a little concerned about the ones that don't look quite so robust (perhaps it's because they are still quite young, I don't know), like the Athyrium otophorum Okanum (Auriculate Lady Fern), the Athyrium niponicum (Japanese Painted Fern) 'Red Beauty', Athyrium felix-femina Frizelliae and Victoria Lady Fern (Athyrium filix femina Victoriae). I grow these in pots and, like the Holly Fern, shove them together against the house wall. I just hope they all survive this miserable winter. Roll on spring!