Last Saturday, 21 October 2017, Storm Brian followed
Storm Ophelia and left my garden unscathed, thankfully. It mashed the few Polka raspberries that were on the cane, but that's no great loss. Not so lucky for many, especially in Wales and on the west coast of the UK where the sea crashed onto land adding to devastation caused by wind and flooding. Stormy weather often brings interesting skies here on the Pennines of West Yorkshire and I had to take a photo of this yesterday morning. I used my Canon EOS for this one and the image has not been edited in any way whatsoever. Glorious colour, I think, against a conifer and trees (now devoid of leaves). Also the birds were out in force. No doubt glad to have survived and singing their little heads off! See image below. It always amazes me how, in high winds, tiny birds managed to sit on the bird feeders and eat. Why don't they blow away?
Sunrise on 23 October 2017, over neighbouring gardens. |
Birds of a feather making a real racket on the morning of 23 October 2017, my garden. |
It's a kind of miracle that my garden has survived Ophelia and Brian with nothing more than a small pot blowing over and the stem on a climbing rose being torn off. I think my new fence which allows air and light to pass through has filtered the strength of the wind.
Also a kind of miracle is that, after waiting about two years for some kind of a flower from my
Hydrangea paniculata 'White Lady', a flower has appeared. It's not much of one but I am grateful for it. How the entire plant, a rather expensive plant, has survived the dozy binmen throwing bags and recycling boxes on it for the last year or so, is something else. Actually, in order to help the plant fend off the men who seemed determined to kill the plant, I inserted a metal obelisk over it. I think the guys eventually may have thought 'ooh, is that a shrub?' Yes, it is a ****ing shrub.
Hydrangea paniculata 'White Lady' flower doing its best despite challenges, October 2017 |