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Monday, 7 August 2017


The beautiful little Hebe 'Purple Pixie' (syn. Hebe Mohawk) which grows at the top of my sunny border, near the garden room has had the most fantastic flowers this year.  I mean, an absolutely dense covering of purple which the bees and other pollinators have just loved.  As I mentioned in an earlier post, I cut the shrub back quite hard in spring because it was starting to look a bit leggy and I really did think that I would have hardly any flowers this year, but not so.  Obviously.  Seems that the time to prune this hebe is in early spring, cutting off the dead flowers then.  I imagine the dead flowers will give the shrub some protection against frost during winter.  I think this little hebe shrub would make a wonderful low-growing hedge/border to have around the garden. 

Hebe 'Purple Pixie' (syn. Hebe Mohawk)

About Hebe 'Purple Pixie' (syn. Hebe Mohawk) :  "The mid-green leaves stay on the plant all year.  It is hardy to -5C.  It likes a sunny spot in fertile well-drained soil and a achieves a height and spread of 50cm (2ft).  It is a source of food for bees and butterflies in early summer. It can be trimmed lightly in early spring to remove old flower heads and to maintain a rounded shape."

Please, SAVE OUR BEES.  Bees love hebe and honeysuckle too!

Save our Bees (Friends of the Earth link).

Plants for pollinators

Hebe 'Purple Pixie' (syn. Hebe Mohawk)