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Sunday, 16 July 2017


I was just going outdoors to pull up the blinds in my garden room this morning, to let the glorious sun warm it up inside, and was stopped in my tracks.  On the concrete patio, near to the kitchen door, was a glittering leaf.  It was flat on the concrete and shining like silver with rain.  I just had to take a photograph.  It was then, in the photograph on my computer monitor (I can see the man on the moon but not the end of my nose without my glasses) that I noticed the slug approaching the leaf for a drink or a breakfast nibble.  I left the slug alone, to do its thing.  It got off lightly.  Believe me. 

Slug blending in with concrete as it approaches a glittering Polka raspberry leaf - 16072017

At first I couldn't figure out where the leaf came from but after taking photographs, I picked it up and reversed it and realised it was from my Polka raspberry canes. 

Bejewelled Polka raspberry leaf on concrete after rain - 16072017