A little over a month ago I bought two small tomato plants,
Tumbler and Tumbling Jester. Since then they have grown rapidly and have become quite tall which is not what I want from tumbling tomatoes. I thought they were bush tomatoes but since have seen them described as trailing tomatoes. Of course, it could be relatively low light that has caused them to grow tall as they are being grown inside my home until the risk of frost has passed, but they do get morning sun in the kitchen and in the afternoon I move them to where they get sunshine until evening. Anyway, I have potted them on. Potting on just means moving into a bigger pot. I always repot tomatoes more deeply, burying the lower side shoots. I don't remove the leaves. That sounds wrong, doesn't it? But what it does is trigger root production from the shoot and the stem below surface level. The more roots, the more water and nutrients the plant can take in.
Tomatoes - Losetto, Tumbler, Tumbling Jester
24/04/2016 |
I also bought more recently Losetto (you can see it in the above image, front left) which I grew last year. To be honest, I prefer the growth habit of Tumbling Tom but have not yet seen it for sale this year. See
Tumbling Tom vs Losetto.