Yorkshire Flowerpots by Naylors are absolutely beautiful pots that will enhance any garden and I love the way they 'age' beautifully too. They are guaranteed for life against frost but, watch out and be extra careful, they are easily broken. I have maybe a dozen in my garden, or I had. A builder broke a small Long Tom when moving it out of his way. He paid me for the damage so I didn't ask how he did it and I admit I assumed he had just been very careless. The other day I was wheeling a large Yorkshire Flowerpot along on a cast-iron plant-stand on wheels. You know the sort. Unfortunately, the flowerpot slid off on one side, just tilted off one inch to the ground and it broke into several pieces. It wasn't a long drop, I hadn't been careless. I was shocked; not just because the pot had broken but that my precious display of sempervivums and other alpines was ruined as all the contents of the pot spilled out of the shattered remains. There was no saving the pot. It wasn't just one crack that maybe I could have glued back together. The thing was shattered. I was very surprised to see that the inside of the pot is grey and that it seems just to be coated with a relatively fine layer of terracotta. Naylor's do mention this on their website.
Yorkshire Flowerpot broken |
I wrote to
Naylor's Yorkshire Flowerpots with my concerns about how easily the pots seem to break, about how apparently brittle the pots are, but Naylors have failed to respond so far; not even to acknowledge my email which was posted through their website.
Yorkshire Flowerpot broken |
Yorkshire Flowerpot broken |
Yorkshire Flowerpot broken |
Ivy in a Yorkshire Flowerpots small Long Tom |
Newly planted Sempervivum display in Yorkshire Flowerpot - 2013 |