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Thursday, 11 June 2015


At the end of April I bought two small tomato plants, Tumbling Tom and Losetto F1.  They have both grown well and both have small green tomatoes growing among the healthy leaves.  At the moment, Tumbling Tom is bearing twice the amount of fruit as Losetto. 

Tumbling Tom tomato 09/06/2015

Losetto F1 is said to be more blight resistant although I can't say I've seen blight affecting Tumbling Tom either.  It will be interesting to see, in the end, which one provides the most or better quality of fruit (weather permitting) but, at this point, it is the Tumbling Tom that I favour simply because of its more compact growth habit.  I don't care for the way that Losetto is branching out.  It looks as if the branches could snap under the weight of any tomatoes that might grow upon them. 

Losetto F1 09/06/2015

Losetto F1 became so lax that I feel compelled to stake it.  Judging by images of other Losetto F1s on the net, it may not be necessary.  We'll see.

Of course, as the saying goes 'the proof of the pudding is in the eating'.  Which tomato will, most importantly, have the superior flavour?  Watch this space.