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Saturday, 20 June 2015


There is a bit of land over my fence which is owned by someone and upon it grows several mature Fraxinus Excelsior (ash) trees which, frankly, make me exceptionally fractious.  It's not every year that they drop literally thousands of seeds, possibly millions, upon my garden and upon my neighbours' gardens, but I spend every year picking up those seeds or pulling out those seedlings from borders and pots because once they root, they dig in deep and the stems are wiry too.  A couple of elderly neighbours have allowed seedlings to root very close to their homes and there is no way now that they can be pulled out, or even dug up.  This year all the trees are dripping with big clusters of the seeds (they look like birds' nests) and although the trees themselves, and their leaves, are quite pretty, if you are considering planting an ash tree in your garden, think twice.  While the birds might love to hang out in them, they are a serious nuisance to gardeners.  They might be ok for commercial bonsai production though!

Ash - Fraxinus Excelsior - dripping with seeds

Don't confuse them with Witch's Broom on trees (internal link).

Royal Horticultural Society: removing tree suckers and seedlings