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Sunday, 24 May 2015


Iris setosa 'Baby Blue' was a must-have as soon as I saw it.  It wasn't even in full flower but the colour of the buds and the healthy leaves were saying 'buy me', so I did.  I've placed it at the top of my garden border in rich, loamy soil where it will get full sun, and hopefully enough moisture.  I shall have to watch out for that in dry weather.   It's ideal for growing around the edge of a pond.

Iris setosa 'Baby Blue'

The label says that Iris setosa 'Baby Blue' has stunning blue flowers held just above a dwarf clump of fresh green foliage in early summer.  It's a hardy perennial.  It achieves a height of 30cm (12in) x 30cm (12in).  It likes a sunny position in moist neutral or acid soil (not chalky).  Faded flower stems should be removed to prevent seed formation and the leaves should be cut down in winter.  It is harmful if eaten.