Adiantum raddianum 'Bronze Venus' |
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Sunday, 24 May 2015
I cannot tell you how many addiantum ferns I have killed off over the years; maybe a dozen. Years ago, about the time I first became interested in them, a neighbour grew them all over her home; she even (foolishly) grew one with its pot plonked in a saucer on top of the television (please don't try this at home) and the point of this story is that these faddy ferns didn't seem to mind where they grew for her. That lack of regard for addiantum needs - humidity, shade or semi-shade, a draft-free place, never allowing its compost to dry out completely - paid off for her but that seems to be an aberration - they are really fussy plants. Whatever I do to pander to their requirements doesn't seem to work, so it's probably as much a mystery to you as it is to me why I went and bought yet another one the other day. On an optimistic note, this is a different house, a different aspect, a different position in the home - and, a different plant. This one might be a survivor! I have it on a shelf, away from open windows and doors, and I keep spraying it with water. I'll give it a month to live, if it's lucky.