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Saturday 11 April 2015


At least once a year I treat my lawn with Evergreen's Complete 4 in 1.  I've got quite a lot of moss growing this year and two or three dandelions.  Yesterday evening, when the grass was dry and the soil was moist, I scattered the lawn treatment on the grass and then watered it in.  It has to be watered in (by hose or Heaven) to work.  Although they had forecast rain, and they were right for once, I wanted to be sure.  This is the lawn this morning.  Already, as you can see, the moss is blackening and it won't be long before the dandelion give up the ghost.  I had an awful feeling that I put too much of the product on the grass (I'm lazy and don't bother marking out square yards or meters - I just sprinkle it on by hand) but I think that I might have got away with it.  Time will tell.

Moss treated with Evergreen Complete 4 in 1

After just one evening, the moss is blackening and dying already


A patch of black moss after treating with Evergreen Complete 4 in 1

A decent lawn is ruined by moss

A dandelion in my lawn.  How dare it!

The moss is blackening and soon the dandelion will turn yellow and die.