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Monday 27 April 2015


While at the RHS garden centre in Harlow Carr last week, I bought two little tomato plants, both tumbling types.  I usually buy Tumbling Tom Red but this time I bought something I hadn't seen before: Losetto F1, a blight-resistant patio tomato.  

Losetto F1 flowers

It looks very healthy and although it is a tumbler like Tumbling Tom, it has a sturdier appearance, more rigid, and already it has flowers opened.  As it is too early to put the tomatoes outside except for short periods of sunshine, they are on my window bottoms at the morning, following the sun.  I shall have to try and pollinate the flowers myself, with a paint brush.  I don't think giving them a little shake will do the trick. 

The label says:

"Losetto F1 is the first blight-resistant patio tomato that bears loads of small, juicy and sweet, red fruits from July onwards.  It requires no sideshoot removal, just let it tumble.  It requires a warm, sunny patio in a 30cm wide container of large hanging basket filled with good quality potting compost containing slow release fertiliser.   It must be protected from frost. 

Water well at planting time then, once established, ensure plants do not dry out.  After the first fruits form, apply a liquid tomato fertiliser once weekly until late August."

Below are photos taken in 2012 of my Tumbling Tom plants. 

Tumbling Tom tomatoes

Tumbling Tom tomatoes