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Wednesday 17 December 2014


At the Royal Horticultural Society garden nursery today, in Harlow Carr, I saw a small selection of Hellebores.  Some looked rather bedraggled but others were quite lovely, especially Helleborus 'Verboom Beauty' with its beautiful butter-coloured stamens.

Helleborus 'Verboom Beauty' - 17 December 2014

I don't know if hellebores are picky kinds of plants which need to be in a 'just so' position in the garden, or what.  I mean, I bought one in a pot a couple of years ago and it was not happy when I planted it in a small, south-facing border, at the top of my garden where others things grow quite happily, and it subsequently and rather quickly died.  Yet, at the front of my neighbour's house there grows a huge white hellebore which has spread out, and has flowered profusely and for many weeks on end throughout winter and early spring for the five years that I have lived here.  It has never been tended, weeded, fed, or watered.  It has been totally neglected by the elderly owner.  There seems to be a moral here: perhaps hellebores like tough love. 

According to the internet, this plant likes partial shade, heavy neutral to alkaline soil, and is fully hardy.