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Sunday 12 October 2014


It had been a foggy morning and now that the sun is shining, the garden is soggy and sparkling with beads of water.  Although I've had, and still have, a lot of bees and hoverflies in my garden I don't have as many butterflies visiting as I would like.  My garden has been visited by quite a few Speckled Wood butterflies and the occasional white one, but today I have had the honour of a rather ragged Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta) turning up. It alighted on an equally ragged Champagne Moment rose and stayed quite a while fanning and drying its wings in the sunlight before my camera lens got too close and it cleared off!

Red Admiral butterfly on Champagne Moment rose

Red Admiral butterfly on Champagne Moment rose

I always thought that butterflies only lived for days but apparently they can live a year or so in warmer climates, but do not surviving freezing winters.



Red Admiral butterfly on Champagne Moment rose