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Tuesday 15 April 2014


'Eastern Star' and 'Persian Pearl' are lovely names for two vibrant coloured types of Tulipa humilis that I saw at the Royal Horticultural Society gardens in Harlow Carr several days ago.  Eastern Star was growing in the Alpine House there but Persian Pearl seemed very happy in an outside border in the gardens (bottom image) and you can see that it is in a very gritty, gravelly, medium. 

Tulipa humilis 'Eastern Star'

Tulipa humilis 'Persian Pearl'

These early spring flowering bulbs belong to the liliaceae family.  They require sunny positions, well-drained soil and, like the flag irises, like to bake in the sun!  In damp, cool areas they can be lifted when the leaves have died down, and stored in the same way that ordinary tulip bulbs can.  They have a height of about 10cm (4") and a spread of about 20cm (8in).  They are suitable for rock gardens.