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Saturday 27 July 2019


I love violas, their dozens of pretty faces, their vibrant colours, their fragrance - much nicer than the rather blousy pansies, I think.  I like also that they tolerate sun and some shade.  So undemanding. I bought quite a few mixed colours this year, mostly purple and cerese colours, a few white, and planted them all together in a freestanding trough.  At first I thought that, maybe, I should have bought trailing begonias or something like that but the violas have put on such a show, I'm happy with my decision. 

Violas in a freestanding trough

Of course, you don't need to grow them in a trough; they will grow in the garden border or tubs, or hanging baskets just as happily.

Violas in a freestanding trough

Violas in a container - April 2013

Violas in a garden border - April 2013