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Sunday 14 July 2019


Years ago I discovered, accidentally, how beautiful parsley plants are when they have bolted and been allowed to go to flower and seed.  This year I had an old parsley in a pot that had actually survived our last winter, sitting in a heavy terracotta pot on the outside kitchen window ledge, somewhat sheltered from strong winds. I bought a new plant, full of fresh leaves to use in the kitchen for salads etc, and decided to plant the old plant in the border (you have to respect a survivor!). 

Parsley flower buds

Now seedheads have formed, it makes a lovely addition.  I just stuck it in a spare bit of ground between two solar lights, and it seems to be getting along well with its neighbours.  Waste not want not, right?

Parsley going to seed  and looking pretty in a garden border

Parsley flowers - look a bit like green snowflakes!

Flat parsley leaves

Hoverfly on parsley flowers. 

Don't harm hoverflies, they are good guys.

Hoverflies have 'wide eyes' and little stubby antennae

Macro photo of parsley flower