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Saturday 27 July 2019


I wondered what this insect was on a raspberry leaf when I was, earlier this month, trying to take a photo of one of the dozens of little moth-like creatures that were resting within my raspberry canes. The moth-like insects are Pseudargyrotoza conwagana and they live off the neighbouring ash trees (not my raspberries), but the insect I am talking about now I have identified as a type of Ichneumonid, a parasitic wasp.  Apparently there are a lot of different Ichneumonidae and I wonder if this one is the one called Pimpla rufipes which is not good news for butterflies and moths.  It may be that it was after laying eggs inside the moths pupae.   

Ichneumonidae (parasitic wasp) - possibly Pimpla rufipes

Here is a PDF guide to identifying Ichneumonidae (UK) - National History Museum external link

I think this insect, in the above image (taken on my old 5s iPhone), comes under the category: Small black-bodied species with orange legs.