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Monday 6 April 2015


I did quite a bit of pottering around my garden yesterday, checking things out.  The Polka raspberry canes are no longer bare but are bursting with leaves.  Not only that but amid some of the leaves are small flower buds which promise fruit a few weeks from now.   I grow my raspberry canes cordon style, leaning the canes down below the top level of the 6ft fence so that they have more protection from the wind.  It has worked out quite well.

Polka raspberry canes producing leaves and fruit buds in April


Polka raspberry canes producing leaves and fruit buds in April

Polka raspberry is a primocane (primocane is a cane which grows from the ground in spring and provides fruit in autumn) but can fruit both in early summer and in autumn if you follow a few simple pruning rules (see link).  A floricane raspberry, on the other hand, provides fruit in summer on old canes that appeared the previous year. 

Polka raspberries, autumn 2014