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Sunday 5 April 2015


I've lost a few plants over winter although some succumbed to silly workmen plonking bags of cement on them, or stepping on herbaceous perennials that had not yet appeared from underground, unbeknownst to me.  I need to replace them and while I was mooching around the RHS Garden shop in Harlow Carr last week, I saw a 'must have': Aubrieta (Aubretia) 'Kitte Blue'.  It's a dazzler with large flowers.  My camera had problems with the colour and turned the petals slightly pinker than they actually are. 

Aubrieta (aubretia) Kitte Blue

Aubrieta 'Kitte Blue'

Aubrieta 'Kitte Blue' - macro

The labels says that Aubrieta 'Kitte Blue' has very large flowers which almost cover the plant through late spring every year.  The year round foliage makes a neat carpet too.  It is perfect for growing in a rockery, raised bed, or in gravel.  It is hardy, evergreen, and perennial.  It achieves a height of 10cm (4") and spread of 50cm (20").  It likes a sunny and open position in any fertile, well-drained soil.