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Tuesday 24 March 2015


All hail was let loose on my garden today.  The weather is so mercurial lately that I don't know what to expect from one hour to the next.  It started off dull and raining this morning, then the sun came out, and just as I was about to stick some washing in the machine and was contemplating getting the hoe out of the shed to do a bit of border tidying, down it came.  Mind you, I was only contemplating doing these things and hadn't actually realised it had start to hail until my Ragdoll cat, Alfie, burst through the kitchen door like his tail was on fire.  When I looked out, small pellets of hail, about the size of a pea, were pelting down.  It was quite beautiful, really. 

Hail on my garden - 24 March 2015

Looks like Perlite, doesn't it?

Hailstones in a garden container

Hail zooming like bullets past the garden shed