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Thursday 29 January 2015


The weather forecasters got it right.  Today we have had more snow, although so far it's only a few centimetres deep.  The sky is blue, the sun is shining, and it's beautiful out there.  However, we have a warning that more is on the way.  I made myself busy this morning, after the disaster that befell the complete bird feeding station yesterday when the upright metal pole broke in two during strong winds.  I made some fat balls for the birds.  I just melted half a pound of lard and stirred in bird seed, raisins, and niger seed.  Once the lard began to harden again, I pressed handfuls into balls and put them into a special plastic feeder for fat balls.  I also hung out a bird feeder on the cross bar on my hammock/swing.  One thing is for sure, the swing won't break in half. 

Snowy garden in January 2015

Whatever you do, don't give birds salty food or porridge.  It's dangerous and can be fatal.  See the RSPB website for further advice.


I am pleased to say that the zonal pelargoniums that were growing in a trough under my living room window are thriving.  I brought them indoors when the weather became very cold last autumn and after flowering all summer, they are still producing some flowering buds. 


Zonal pelargoniums brought indoors to overwinter