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Thursday 16 October 2014


I took this photograph of dahlias growing in a pot in my garden and am sorry to say that I cannot remember the name.  I don't think it is the gaudy coloured Pooh dahlia, but another one which doesn't grow very tall.  Now, I know I have the label somewhere tucked in a bag with other labels, probably stuffed into the large garden storage box which contains all sorts of paraphernalia and a VERY LARGE and not at all cute SPIDER!  It's not one of the relatively pretty Araneus diadematus spiders, it is dark brown and HUGE!  When I am feeling brave, when I can get my arachnophobia under control, when I absolutely have to open Pandora's box and confront the horror within because I need the bubble wrap and the garden fleece, and the waterproof coverings for the table etc, then I will be able to say what the dahlias are.  Until then...

A double dose of delightful dahlias!